Copyright © Northern Golden Retriever Association 2024.  All photographs are subject to copyright.


Founded 1946

Anne Crookes writes

Evening all

Following our decision to cancel our early trials I feel we have now no option but to postpone our running of the Inter Club test until our allotted date in 2022

I was hoping that the current rules about no groups of over 30 peolle would have been relaxed by now but it looks as though this is not going to happen soon enough.

I firmly believe we could have complied with all the other government and KC regs but the no more than 30 people had made it impossible.

I will initially email the club team managers and Judges then publish it on the web site and social media. I will contact Stuart Robson  SWGRC and arrange to get the box to him if he wants it. 

SWCRC already have plans in place to hold the test in 2021 and we will take over the hosting in 2022. 

The ground we were going to use will still be available and hopefully we will be able to put on the full weekend we originally planned. Plenty of time to organise that now.

Hoping things continue to return to normally and we can all get out doing what we love

Anne   19.08.2020.

Inter Club Team Working Test 2020

The 2020 Inter Club test due to be held by SWGRC did not take place and the NGRA will host in 2022