Copyright © Northern Golden Retriever Association 2024.  All photographs are subject to copyright.


Founded 1946

Field Trials 2014

Sponsored by Alpha Feeds Limited

14 dog Novice Stake for AV Retriever at Broughton, N. Lincolnshire

 25th September 2014.

By arrangement with Mr W Ash & Mr G Holt and the NGRA team of guns.

Judges: Mr G Gent (A2848, Mr R Gent (B2265), Mr G Bird (B3147), Mr P Birkbeck (NP3259)

1st & Wraes Trophy, Mrs Luise Linnermann Rasmussen’s Labrador Bitch Nuthatch Blue Sky Pipa.

2nd Mr John Cardo’s Lab.Bitch Kilnpotlees Harris Hawk.

3rd Mr Wayne Mitchell’s Lab. Bitch Labdom Ruddy.

Aurea Tankard to the Guns Choice:-

Mrs Luise Linnermann Rasmussen’s Labrador Bitch Nuthatch Blue Sky Pipa

Pebbletoft Trophy to the Best Golden Retriever Not Awarded.

Bakestone Trophy to the Best PTA Member Not Awarded.

Open Stake for Golden Retrievers

 13th & 14th  October 2014

Held at  Preesall, Lancashire.

By kind permission of the host and the NGRA Guns.

 Tim Broad, Brian McDonnell, Dennis McDonnell, Henry Pelham & Vincent Wilkinson.


 Mr J Lees (A85), Mr A Schofield (A2452), Mr G Hay (B2277), Mrs J Hay (B1871).


1st      Mrs Vickie Prichard’s GR.B. Vamp Angelica  (Westhyde Challenge Bowl To the Winner)

2nd     Mr Robert Ashdown’s Mistybrook Tegan GR. B.(Culzean Cup To the Runner Up)

COM’s  Miss Kirsty Cousins’ GR.D. Gortons Bannatyne Boy.

  Mr Robert Atkinson’ s GR.D. Holway Cider.


Other Trophies

 Best Marking Dog. The FT.Ch Tillwood Theseus Of Holywear Memorial Trophy:-

             Mrs Vickie Prichard’s GR.B. Vamp Angelica

             Guns Choice. The Castleshaw Trophy:-

             Mrs Vickie Prichard’s GR.B. Vamp Angelica

             Best on a Runner Parry Tankard:-

Mr Robert Ashdown’s Mistybrook Tegan

Best Looking Dog or Bitch The Tim Broad Trophy:-

 Miss Kirsty Cousins’ GR.D. Gortons Bannatyne Boy.

 Best Looking Opposite Sex The Cambrian Trophy:

 Mrs Vickie Prichard’s GR.B. Vamp Angelica

 Westhyde Merrymaker Trophy to the Winners Breeder:-

                                 Mrs Vickie Prichard

Back Row: Judges Gordon Hay      Alan Schofield   John Lees  Jennifer Hay

Richard Ashdown Vickie Prichard                                             Robert Atkinson Kirsty Cousins

2nd                           1st                                                                   COM                  COM

Open Breed Stake October 13th & 14th 2014 at Preesall Lancashire Photo Gallery

14 Dog All-Aged stake for Any Variety of Retriever

10th November 2014.

Held at Preesall, Lancashire.

By kind permission of the hostand the NGRA Guns.

Mr T Richards, Mr S Burns, Mr G Collier,Mr P Spencer, Mr P Gilmore & Mr M Pilling.

Judges: Mr M Newsam (A100), Mr P Smithies (B2367),

Mr D Bellamy(3135) & Mr J Yarwood (3484).  

1st Mr Stewart North’s Lab B. Ballagan Handa Of Northglen       Peredenia Cup to the Winner.

2nd Mrs Joan Pavelyn’s Lab B. Lady Of Tranquility.

      Terranova Trophy (Best PTA Member)

Mr Kevin Butler’s Lab B. Gablegorst Shuffler Of Turpingreen.

Eastdale Trophy (Guns Choice)  

Back Row Judges

David Bellamy

        Philip Smithies

John Yarwood      Mick Newsam

Stewart North

Joan Pavelyn     Kevin Butler


2nd            Guns Choice

All Aged A.V. Retriever Stake November 10th 2014 at Preesall Lancashire

14 Dog Golden Retriever Breed Stake.

20th November 2014.

Held at Walesby Notts

by kind invitation of Mr Noel Hudson and the Bevercotes Park Shoot.

Guns: Dave Goodall, Paul Birkbeck, Roger Forsyth, Dave Haycock Mick Scott & Phil Wagland.


Mr Derrick Capel (A1843), Mr Arthur Hewer (B2279), Mrs Lisa Harris B3002), Ms Sharon Kitson (NP3459)

1st Mrs Laurie Pittaway’s GR. B. Karnoosty Fairway Flyer

(Boltby Cup to the Winner.)

and Castletown Rosebowl to the Guns Choice

2nd  Mr G & Mrs J Hay’s GR. D. Soinneanta Gorse Of Holywear.

Handler Mr Gordon Hay

 Millennium Tankard to the Youngest Dog in the Awards

Novice Breed Stake November 20th  2014 at Walesby Notts.

All Novice Breed  photographs are by Sarah Middleton.

Please contact Sarah for permission to reproduce them.


14 Dog Novice Stake for Any Variety of Retriever

15th December 2014.

Held at Preesall, Lancashire.

By kind permission of the hostand the NGRA Guns.

Mr T Richards, Mr S Burns, Mr J Benyon,Mr P Spencer, Mr P Gilmore & Mr M Pilling.

Judges: Mr P J Wagland (A1931), Mrs G Caldwell B2217),

Mr G Lewis (NP3450) & Mrs C Hewison.  

1st Mr David Field Lab. D. Artistryn Ulrich (Esmoro Trophy to the Winner).

2nd Mr John Lawson’s Lab B. Midnight Maiden Quest. Handler Mrs Brenda Lawson

      Bakestone Trophy (Best PTA Member)

Mr David Field Lab. D. Artistryn Ulrich Leagram Trophy Guns Choice

Show Gundog Working Certificates

Alan & Jeanette Findlow’s CCR. B Roughyeds Echo Elsie. Handler Jeanette Findlow

Miss Kelly Holland’s FCR.D Sh.Ch. Calzeatcausa Commotion At Flatcharm.

Handler Mr David Bellamy.

Judges and Award winners