Copyright © Northern Golden Retriever Association 2024.  All photographs are subject to copyright.


Founded 1946

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Field Trials 2013

Sponsored by Alpha Feeds Limited


14 dog Novice Stake for AV Retriever at Broughton, N. Lincolnshire

 26th September 2013.

By arrangement with Mr W Ash & Mr G Holt and the NGRA team of guns.

Judges: Mr PN Bates (A2466), Mr G Slater (B3134), Mrs S Lowe (NP3173) Mr GE Dobb (NP)

1st & Wraes Trophy, Mrs Anna Licciardi’s Labrador Bitch Cornermarsh Oceana Magic

 COM’s : Mr Derrick Capel’s Labrador Bitch Skifair Sarabi Of Flashmount                                                                  Mrs Margaret Pearce’s Labrador Dog Woodsprite Druid Of Esmoro

Aurea Tankard to the Guns Choice:-

Mr Kevin Butler's Labrador Dog Crooksber Teal Of Turpingreen

Bakestone Trophy to the Best Pennine Training Area Member:-

Mrs Anna Licciardi’s Labrador Bitch Cornermarsh Oceana Magic

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Award Winners:-

           Anna Licciardi        Derrick Capel      Margaret Pearce

       1st                         COM                               COM

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Judges:- Geoff Dobb, Graham Slater, Sue Lowe & Peter Bates

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1st Place

Mrs Sally Richardson’s

GR.D. Castlemans Mkussi

14 Dog Golden Retriever Breed Stake.

22nd October 2013.

Held at Walesby Notts

by kind invitation of Mr Noel Hudson and the Bevercotes Park Shoot.


Mr K Helliwell, Mr D Haycock, Mr R Ashdown, Mr R Daws.

1st Mr Steven Crookes’ GR. B. Millgreen Opal Of Moscargrange   

Boltby Cup to the Winner

and the Millennium Tankard to the Youngest Dog in the Awards

2nd  Mrs Catherine Munn’s GR. B. Lilleburne Neap Tide Nena.

Castletown Rosebowl to the Guns Choice

COM  Mrs Monica Skjerping’s  GR. D. Jacklines Cornelium Sky

COM Dr Gunda Muehl GR.D. Gortons Skipjack Boy

COM Mr Phil Allen’s GR.D. Libris Loveday

Back Row:                                         Judges Andrew Wright, Phil Allen, Judy Rainey

Judith                 Beatrice       Lisa         Stuart          Sally            Vicki       Margaret      Mary                Bruno

Evans                 Loetscher    Harris      Robson Richardson     Prichard    Allen        Jarrod             Julien                     Parry Tankard     COM          4th           2nd                 1st                 3rd             COM        COM            Tim Broad Trophy                                              

Open Breed Stake October 14th & 15th 2013 at Preesall Lancashire Photo Gallery

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Back Row  Judges                            Richard Ashdown, Dave Haycock, Keith Helliwell & Robert Daws

Monica Skjerping      Catherine Munn   Steve Crookes,         Phil Allen        Gunda Muehl                          COM                            2nd                            1st                           COM                 COM

Novice Breed Stake October 22nd 2013 at Walesby Notts Photo Gallery

Open Stake for Golden Retrievers

 14th & 15th October 2013

Held at  Preesall, Lancashire.

By kind permission of the host and the NGRA Guns.

David Bellamy, Philip Bishop, Tim Broad, Brian McDonnell,Henry Pelham & David Savory


Mr Phil Allen, Mrs Judy Rainey & Mr Andrew Wright.


1st      Mrs Sally Richardson’s  GR.D. Castlemans Mkussi  (Westhyde Challenge Bowl To the Winner)

2nd     Mr Stuart Robson’s  GR. B. Haddeo Hermia (Culzean Cup To the Runner Up)

3rd     Ms Vicki Prichard’s GR.D.  FT.Ch Vamp Parsley Potage

4th     Mrs Lisa Harris’ GR.B. Chilean Spice With Hawksthorn

COM’s  Mrs Mary Jarrod’s GR.D. Lilleburn Ripple Reed.

  Mrs Margaret Allen’s GR.B. Alamy Debbie

  Mrs Beatrice Loetscher’s GR.D. Funnyline Fieldquest J.B.


Other Trophies

 Best Marking Dog. The FT.Ch Tillwood Theseus Of Holywear Memorial Trophy:-

             Mr Stuart Robson’s  GR. B. Haddeo Hermia

             Guns Choice. The Castleshaw Trophy:-

             Mrs Margaret Allen’s GR.B. Alamy Debbie

             Best on a Runner Parry Tankard:-

Miss Judith Evans’ FT. Ch. Haddeo Snipe

Best Looking Dog or Bitch The Tim Broad Trophy:-

 Mr Bruno Julien’s GR.D. Mistybrook Tuscan

 Best Looking Opposite Sex The Cambrian Trophy:

 Mrs Lisa Harris’ GR.B. Chilean Spice With Hawksthorn

 Westhyde Merrymaker Trophy to the Winners Breeder:-

Mrs Philippa Williams

15 Dog All-Aged stake for Any Variety of Retriever

11th November 2013.

Held at Preesall, Lancashire.

By kind permission of the host and the NGRA Guns.

Mr T Richards, Mr J Benyon, Mr S Burns, Mr G Collier, Mr J Chambers & Mr M Pilling

Judges: Mr AD Fryer,Mr PC Spencer,Mrs A Licciardi & Mr L Earl.  

1st Mr Tim Merrill’s Lab. D. Glenanne Oak

      Peredenia Cup to the Winner

      Eastdale Trophy (Guns Choice) & Terranova Trophy (Best PTA Member)

COM’s :-

Mr Keith Barnes’ Lab. B. Waysgreen Bathsheba

Mrs  Margaret Pearce’s Lab. D. Woodsprite Druid Of Esmoro

Mrs Anne Nerell’s Lab. B. Stenbury Black Ribbon     

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 14 dog Novice Stake for AV Retriever at Finningley Park Shoot, South Yorkshire.

 21st November 2013.

By kind permission of Messrs Clark & the Syndicate.

Judges: Mr P J Wagland, Mr G Coupar, Mr G R Jones & Mr  A J Richardson

1st & Unavale Trophy (To the Winner), Pebbletoft  Trophy to the Best Golden Retriever & Leagram Tankard to the Guns Choice.

Mrs Catherine Munn’s Golden Retriever Bitch Lilleburne Neap Tide Nena.

2nd Mr John Taylor’s Labrador Dog Abergowen Grouse.

All Aged Stake November 11th 2013 at Preesall Lancs Photo Gallery

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Back Row Judges        Phil Wagland    Glynn Coupar   Graham Jones  Alan Richardson

      Catherine Munn                                              John Taylor

       1st                                                             2nd

Novice Stake November 21st 2013 at Finningley S. Yorks Photo Gallery